"Bee" a Champ: Spelling for Improved Literacy
Cynthia Robinson, M.Ed, CED, LSLS Cert. AVED, Co-director of Clarke School, Jacksonville, FL
Braid of literacy
- oral language and reading
- drawing writing
- sound symbols
- favorite words
- compare and contrast words
- make slight changes in words and sounds
- mature as readers and writers they expand their vocabulary through reading
When child is reading auditory cortex lights up - oral activity
Words Their Way - Bear and Invernizzi - important book
Spelling patterns and knowledge are developmental
5 developmental stages
1. Preliterate - no relationship to spoken language - lines shapes pretend to read. Hold a writing implement and write on paper. Confuse that drawing is the same as writing.
Progress includes horizontal writing letters and numbers. Use some letter sound matches. Draw lines for the words.
2. Letter name stage - establish directionality, make letter sound substitution based on articulation. Miss vowels and digraphs. Concept of word. Read pattern books. Age 5-9
Progress is when initial final and beginning consonants. Spell short vowel words. Get blends and digraphs. Using memory. Read pattern books and charts and long vowels. Word wall
3. Within word - Single syllables. Primary and secondary vowels. Common suffixes . Confuse low frequency long vowels, common. Inflections, unstressed syllable vowels. Silent reading. Reading with expression. Double vowels. Age 6-12
Progress includes chunks of patterns of sound and meaning. Experimentation of vowels.
4. Syllable juncture - age 10 - to adult
Short and longer vowel are stable. Spell suffixes. Confuse vowel and consonant alternations in related pairs. Reading fluent. May omit syllables.
Progress includes spelling and syntax with plurals, learn tion and sion, notice how change in action and stress.
5. Derivational constancy - understand why structures exist, study meaning of prefix and suffix, spelling and meaning movement. Reading vocab and roots.
Bed, train, ship, drive, bump, when, closet, chase, float, went, closet, beaches, preparing, cattle, inspection, popping, caught, confident, flexible, fortunate, appreciation, pleasure, preparing, squirrel
concepts, vocab, letters, sorting,
By October - spelling assessment - fan, pet, rug, sit, mop
Font sort - sorting letters in different fonts
Rhyming, concept of word
Word study for letter name
Frequency of consonants b,m,r,s,t,g,n,p,c,h,f,d,l,k,I,w,y,z,v,q(u)
Initial sound pictures/word sort
Blend sort
Word study for within word
Long vowel study
Relate meaning to structure
Past tense sort for Ed